Thursday 28 April 2016

False Mask.

Hello everyone,

29th April 2016( Friday).


This card is a loving nudge for you to beware of deception within a relationship. This could involve something mild, such as run-of-the-mill politeness, where your partner is afraid of offending you by sharing true feelings. Make sure you are not the one who is wearing a mask by not being honest to your partner. Deep down, you know that what this card pertains to. Be genuine in your relationship's as the romance angel's are trying to protect your heart. Communicate your emotion's honestly no matter how tough it feel's.

Romance Tip :

Say this Invocation to the Romance Angel's ; Dear angel's i ask for very clear guidance that  I can easily notice and understand , to reveal the truth about this situation to my conscious awareness'.  Then, notice and trust the sign that follow.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Twin Flame.

Hello everyone,

28th April 2016 ( Thursday). 

This card shows a twin-fire relationship which is the deepest manifestation of sentimental adoration. To structure such an organization, you must take care of your internal direction, learn self-improvement and have persistence in awesome timing. Twin fire card tells that the individual you are asking about is your perfect partner and you will be soon together. Stay positive, keep your heart open and talk after your direction to show your requests to God about your affection life. 

Aengus is a Celtic god who helps perfect partners & twin blazes meet and appreciate concordant connections. He helps mates resolve contentions with his mysterious harp music and mending kisses. Call upon aengus to intention any clashes and to meet your perfect partner .

Green Diet.

Hello everyone,

27th April 2016 (Wednesday).


Your guardian angel are guiding you to eat healthy and listen to your body. This means eating organic foods, which are free of chemicals such as preservatives and beverages. The law of attraction has guided you to consume times that mirror your spiritual path.


You are advised to have fresh  green vegetable's  in your diet.
Please call upon your angels to shield you should this senstivities come too intense.

Monday 25 April 2016

Healing Monday.

Hello everyone,

25th April 2016 (Monday).


This card is a  reminder to ask help from Archangel Raphael for everything you need. Raphael is an unlimited being whose sole purpose is to bring god's will of peace through physical and emotional health. He is all we need at the moment to assist us with those silent prayers we chant in the chamber of our heart.  Call upon him and seek his help & listen to those small voices your gut and heart says to you. Keep asking until your prayers have been heard.

Don't tell him how to help you just ask for help and let heaven figure out a way for you.


Light a candle with some soft mediation music and meditate . Call upon Archangel Raphael as he is at your aid to help you and give answers you seek.

Tuesday 19 April 2016

Child within Needs Care

Hello everyone,

20th April 2016 (Wednesday).



The reason this card comes today to you is because you need to do some self care. The child within you needs some playfulness to be reignited within.  Join a community where you can serve children or start teaching children at the play school as this will help you to heal the child within you.

Once you do join a community or school then pay attention to the messages you deliver to the children and their parents. Know those messages are for you as well. Take time to play,laugh and be silly. Nurture your inner child with as much love and attention as possible.


Pickup the pen and sketch.

“The purest and most thoughtful minds are those which love color the most.”

Buy a canvass and make your favorite art . Just be carefree and love the bright side of life and the child within you.

Sunday 17 April 2016

Happy Times ahead.

Hello all,

18th April 2016( Monday). 


This is a consoling card flagging that the "minute" you . The area in which you are featuring in has an extremely cheerful completion. Your circumstances will get determined rapidly and mix-ups are overlooked. Quit stressing as any negative thought will act naturally satisfying itself. Don't let negativity over rule. Go outside in nature and ask pixies to help you cheer in the flawlessness of creation. 

Pixie Tip:                                        Smile its a Thumps up situation.


   Release any tension, and feel secure that everything is determined at last. An upbeat result is guaranteed.

Sunday 10 April 2016

Make New Friends.


Welcome everyone.

14th April 2016 (Monday). 



Your change in redirection and needs have made a steadily extending impact in your life. You are right away attracting an alternate set of correspondingly put people into your life and feeling not all that pulled in to the old round of allies you have had long ago. The sprites get some data about these basic moves for the duration of your life. You are not judging or clearing anyone in any case, you are making a space for improvement and enduring the Universal Law of Attraction. People who are comparable commonly pulled in to on a substitute. Understand that you justify brilliant friends who move, help, grasp and compliment you. 

Pixie tip :                                     Apple Pie 


Crusty fruit-filled treat is consumed as indication of thriving and making new companions brings new kick and success in life. 

Go revive your round and say an alternate hey to someone who is comparative as you. Your round is presently moving to a higher frequency,you should let the new segments motel and let out go separate ways.

Wednesday 6 April 2016



Welcome everybody. 

7th April 2016 (Thursday). 


This circumstance surrenders you a bangs to continue and make a move about what you have been considering of late. All the entryways are open and pathway is clear. Any past pieces have been uprooted. You are encouraged to keep an uplifting state of mind to guarantee the best comes about. This is the best time to roll out a move or improvement as your petitions to God have been heard and replied. The bosses are with you as the universe helps you in your try. Keep the confidence. 

Ganesha is the hindu elephant headed " Overcomer of impediments" who clears your way of any pieces. Call upon ganesha toward the start of any service or new extend to guarantee a smooth cruising.

Monday 4 April 2016

Cleaning Your Aura.

Hello everyone,

5th April 2016 (Tuesday). 


This card comes to you because the angels see that you're carrying some lower energies. Because of your high sensitivity and compassion, you may have absorbed this negativity from other people's fear. These energies might have sprung from your own past fears. Regardless of their material source, your angel wants to help you clear your energies.


Call upon Archangel Micheal to come and protect you form toxic relationships, people and situations. You may call upon him and tell him to cut your chords with negative people& uplift your spirits.

Angels advice you to take salt water bath and request them to clear your aura.

Sunday 3 April 2016

Little bit of Sense Humor.


Welcome Everyone. 

4th April 2016 ( Monday). 


You are much exorbitantly certified about presence, as shown by the pixies. They aren't asking for that you ignore your commitments, or shield your sentiments with jokes. Rather you are asked to see the nonsensicalness that experiences the string of life. Laughing helps us to stay back and see ourselves and our circumstances more fair-mindedly. Likewise when we loosen up, inventive comes about and revived essentialness course through every one of us the all the more viably. Thus, take it straightforward and laugh it out :-). 

Pixie Tip:                                         Animated/Cartoon Movie 


               Go watch a cartoon movie and share those laughs & understand that happiness lies in those little humor things only.                                                 

 Each cloud has s silver covering, and has a clever side. Laughing will help you see your life from an alternate perspective so you can get creative bits of learning and results.