Tuesday 16 February 2016

Forgiving Heals.

Warm Welcome to all,

17th February 16 ( Wednesday).


This card reminds us that when anger stored in the mind and body is harmful to your health or even lethal. Although something from your past may seem unforgivable, it's time to purge yourself of these toxic emotions...for your own sake. 

Forgive and affirm by saying : I am no longer willing to suffer from angry thoughts & feelings'.
Archangel Raphael is standing by, ready to restore your mind and body to a peaceful state through process of forgiveness.


Write a letter to the person you have been angry with, then destroy it as a symbol of releasing that negative emotion. Forgive repeatedly until you find peace. You can also write this letter to yourself and mention all the things you dint do or you have been angry about with yourself. 
Let the resentment go and make space of new in life.

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